What is the number-one male sex fantasy no matter the nationality or race? If you're thinking of two hot chicks all over you, you're right. Threesomes of two girls-one guy are number one, way ahead of sex outside the bedroom or role-playing games. Here's a double big bang and we've brought in two very special guests for, as SCORE editor Dave put it, "a historic moment." For the first time, mega-hottie Latina from California Daylene Rio meets up with Miami's busty and assy cream queen Sara Jay. You'd think these two superstars of bed-wrecking sex would have crossed paths earlier but they haven't, until now. Together they will work over a large woodie and extract the sap in a nasty, tits-a-poppin' threesome. Welcome to "Daylene & Sara's Big Juggy Adventure." Boobs are #1 with us at SCORE, "butt" we can't resist having them compare their butts first while they wait for their mountie to arrive and whip his hose out in their faces. They both have round, soft, firm cheeks…

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